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These DSV Consulting LLC posts are for our clients and prospective clients showing our delivery method in action.  The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of DSV Consulting LLC, its professionals or guest writers; it does not correspond to our clients’ opinions or viewpoints.  BLOG entries in this “category” are for a general audience and do not presuppose any knowledge, other than that knowledge linked to within its text. Our audience is not required be logged into our website to view them.  In order to leave comments, likes or other interaction, individual must be logged in either directly or through

crisis framework

A Crisis Framework during COVID-19

  • Business
  • 2 min read

The DSV Consulting LLC CRISIS FRAMEWORK is an open source, simplistic framework for starting the conversation associated with planning your business’ response to this global crisis.


Restructuring – when things go wrong

  • Business
  • 3 min read

Corporate restructuring is the process of communicating and negotiating with debt holders in order to avoid bankruptcy, foreclosure, personal credit damage.

Capital Investments

  • Business
  • 13 min read

DSV Consulting LLC and its professionals work with many capital sources in order to support our clients embarking on growth phases – Sam Fallenbaum of Alliance Commercial Capital has provided many clients excellent service and capital! As part of his continuing newsletter series, he provided this nugget of information on leases.

Accounting software for SMB’s

  • Business
  • 2 min read

#sponsored #QBAmbassador DSV Consulting LLC works with a number of new companies setting up their operations, or getting their business ready for growth phases.  One of things that must be done is selecting an accounting software package, one of the most basic things that a business needs, that will be… Read More »Accounting software for SMB’s